Friday, January 2, 2009

Is It a Good Time to Buy?

Welcome to 2009! And I welcome you to my new blog, Invest in Dubai & Ajman.

I have been investing in real estate in the Washington DC area since 1976. I have been through a lot of swings in the market, and although I am no psychic in predicting what will happen and when, I feel confident in my knowledge of the outcomes of these swings. For certain, the one thing I have seen and believe in is that nothing stays the same.

Whether we are in a boom market like the unprecedented one we just came out of in the U.S., or a bust market like the one we're in now, you can be sure that past will be prologue to future, things will change. The markets are either getting better or getting worse. So considering this fact of an ever-changing market, here are some key questions in real estate investing: When should I sell? Buy? Hold?

The time to sell is at a point when the market is heading upwards. No one can predict the top of a market, but if an investor wants to cash out, it makes the most sense to do it when the market is in full stride heading North. Don't worry about what you could make if you just hold on a bit longer, you could lose your shirt. If you want to take profit, do it in an upturn in the market where you can expect to sell at the price you are asking (or close to it).

The time to buy is when the market is in a full swing heading South. They call this a bear market on Wall Street. Likewise, one should not worry about buying at the very bottom of this swing, as too, the market can shift quickly and leave you wishing you had bought when you could have safely done so.

This leaves the time period for holding property
. It is especially important to hold through a downward swing, keeping things stable. This is not the time to upset the tenants and don't leverage the property. It's hard to sell at a profit during a downward spiral. If you hold property during this time your cash flow is stable and rents should be paying the way. Just sit tight until the market shifts Northward. If you decide to hold during the time the market is heating up, hang on and ride the wave of increased equity. Therefore, it is always a good time to own real estate, it just depends on the financial conditions under which you hold each property.

I cannot emphasize enough, one of the many lessons I have learned over the years ... that you position yourself to
make money when you buy a property, not when you sell it. This goes hand-in-hand with another emerald nugget I learned, and that is the hardest thing about owning real estate is to hold on to it during rough times. What I mean with these two lessons is that because financial demands, vacancies, remodeling costs, personal situations, etc. make it hard to hang on to properties, you must buy your property with a built in profit and not count on trying to time your purchase so that the market gives you an improved equity position. Improve your equity by paying down loans and increasing rents.

So buying right means
getting good terms, at good prices under good conditions. If you buy a property correctly from the very beginning you control the financial outcome. That is, when you purchase property for meeting ROI expectations, not merely hoping for a groundswell of equity improvement, you remain in the catbird seat of when to sell.

If you rely solely on an improved equity position due to market conditioned value increases, you may not achieve your desired return in time for when you must sell, and you may even lose if you happen to be highly leveraged. No one can accurately predict what the market will do and when, so make your buying and selling decisions during the up and down swings to maximize your profits.

The time is good now for buying in Dubai and even better for buying in Ajman.
Prices have fallen, financing has become easier (I have seen no money down deals with interest free loans), developers and resellers are anxious to sell. Does it mean we are at the bottom, I don't think so, but we are in a good position for buying and holding while waiting for the market to swing North again. Read what Asad Khan of Shaw Group Middle East and Asia says about Dubai investing ...

"People talk about Dubai being the Singapore of the Middle East, it’s not only Singapore, it is also the Switzerland. It is the hub for the region.

"You can’t look at the current situation through a soda straw. Things have slowed down, but if you are a true investor you have to look at five years down the road, it’s not a bad time right now."

Ajman is the next hot area for owning real estate in the emirates. New cities are under construction with many projects in advanced stages of completion. Read what Suzanne Fenton, Staff Reporter of Gulf News wrote on Dec 29, 2008 ...

"Investments into Ajman's property sector have crossed the Dh400 billion mark, according to reports.

"Despite deflated markets around the world and also here in Dubai, such robust figures mark a good year ahead for Ajman and its investors.

"Property prices also saw an overall appreciation of 40 per cent in 2008."

Sattar Dero, CEO Sweet Homes Group, Emirates City added ...

"Ajman offers affordable pricing backed by developer finance packages with flexible and affordable payment terms, as an alternative to bank finance. Lastly, the land department of Ajman has started implementing the escrow account, which guarantees the security of real estate investments within the emirate ..."

There are many reasons to buy in the emirates and we will discuss and explore them on this blog in the coming months.

Get a good buy in Dubai!

Mike the Dubai Guy


  1. I think you offer excellent advice. You have three decades of real estate expereince so you obviously have knowledge of the cycles that exist. Dubai and other Emirates have been a success story of not only land development and planning, but converging real estate, architecture, engineering, entertainment and fashion to provide for an interesting lifestyle. The business environment is also stable and has been booming for the last few years. Dubai is definitely the epicenter of new financial growth and I think we will see the tickers for the Dubai Stock Exchange on CNN in the future as more companies raise funds in the market there. The proximity to Asia and Europe make it strategically positioned to capture a great deal of business. Those who are savvy will purchase real estate there now as demand will continue to increase.

  2. "There are just too many developments under construction that are coming online in the next two or three years," said Waryn, an American executive who moved to Dubai from London. "The supply and demand balance are going to be out of whack and the prices will come down."

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